


Email: shaojie@tju.edu.cn



· 2013.9-2018.7 哈尔滨工业大学 材料加工工程专业 博士

· 2015.7-2017.8 俄亥俄州立大学 焊接系 访问学者

· 2014.12-2015.7 肯塔基大学 电子工程系 访问学者

· 2011.9-2013.7 哈尔滨工业大学 材料工程专业 硕士

· 2007.9-2011.7 哈尔滨工业大学 焊接技术与工程专业 学士


· 2022.04-至今 天津大学材料学院 副教授

· 2018.10-2022.03 天津大学材料学院 讲师


· 研究领域:


· 讲授课程:



· 重点研发计划子课题,项目名称:水下高压干法超高频焊机理研究及质量评价,执行年限:2023.12-2026.11;主持。

· 企业委托,项目名称:焊接质量控制及熔透控制研究生产、科研项目技术服务-中海油集团“十四五”重大科技项目,执行年限:2023.10-2025.02;主持。

· 企业委托,项目名称:中核设计焊接技术服务-管道熔化极气体保护焊技术,执行年限:2023.12-2024.02;主持。

· 国家自然科学基金,项目名称:基于机器学习算法修正的GTAW自适应熔池解析模型与熔透状态预测,执行年限:2021.01-2023.12;主持。

· 企业委托,项目名称:秦山分公司管道带预热埋弧自动焊工艺研究外协技术服务,执行年限:2023.09-2023.12;主持。

· 天津市自然基金,项目名称:时变工艺下的GTAW焊接温度场解析模型研究,执行年限:2021.10-2023.09;主持。

· 中核高效智能化焊接重点实验室,项目名称:乏燃料池水下干法焊接舱排水与监控系统研制,执行年限:2022.10-2023.07;主持。

· 企业委托,项目名称:《自动焊接模拟体》项目残余应力模拟计算分析及相关测试,执行年限:2022.07-2023.06;主持。

· 先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室,项目名称:基于机器学习的核级管道焊接缺陷在线预测模型及其自优化算法,执行年限:2021.01-2022.12;主持。

· 企业委托,项目名称:《强辐射环境下拆解及管道智能返修遥操作机器人关键技术研究》焊缝性能分析服务,执行年限:2022.07-2022.12;主持。

· 企业委托,项目名称:双丝MIG-MAG焊接工艺研究及应用-中核科技创新项目,执行年限:2020.04-2021.04;主持。

· 企业委托,项目名称:厚壁管自动焊接质量在线监测及评估系统研究应用-中核科技创新项目,执行年限:2020.03-2020.09;主持。

· 企业委托,项目名称:《中子衍射研究的压力容器焊接式样件》残余应力测试及分析,执行年限:2019.09-2020.01;主持。


· Shaojie Wu, Yiqi Zhang, Manye Xue, and Fangjie Cheng. Grain refinement of flux-cored wire arc additively manufactured duplex stainless steel through in-situ alloying of Ti. Materials Characterization, 2024, 113749.

· Shaojie Wu, Weichen Kong, Yingchao Feng, Peng Chen, and Fangjie Cheng. Penetration prediction of narrow-gap laser welding based on coaxial high dynamic range observation and machine learning. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2024, 110, 91-100.

· Shaojie Wu, Fangjie Cheng, ZhijiangWang, and Dongpo Wang. Research on root appearance and fatigue life of steel catenary riser (SCR) using GMAW/GTAW-P double-sided root welding process. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2023, 201, 104866.

· Shaojie Wu, Hongli Li, and Fangjie Cheng. A measurement method for the forced weld pool surface in GTAW based on simulation model and LSTM network. Welding in the World, 2022, 66(10),2119-2131.

· Yiqi Zhang,Shaojie Wu*, and Fangjie Cheng. A specially-designed super duplex stainless steel with balanced ferrite: austenite ratio fabricated via flux-cored wire arc additive manufacturing: Microstructure evolution, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Materials Science and Engineering A,2022,854,143809.

· Yiqi Zhang,Shaojie Wu*, and Fangjie Cheng. A duplex stainless steel (DSS) with striking tensile strength and corrosion resistance produced through wire arc-additive manufacturing (WAAM) using a newly developed flux-cored wire. Materials Letters,2022,313,131760.

· Yuhang Li,Shaojie Wu*, Hongli Li, and Fangjie Cheng. Dramatic improvement of impact toughness for the fabricating of low-carbon steel components via submerged arc additive manufacturing. Materials Letters, 2021, 283, 128780.

· Lidong Li, Fangjie Cheng andShaojie Wu*. An LSTM-based measurement method of 3D weld pool surface in GTAW. Measurement, 2021,171, 108809.

· Yiqi Zhang, Fangjie Cheng, andShaojie Wu*. Improvement of pitting corrosion resistance of wire arc additive manufactured duplex stainless steel through post-manufacturing heat-treatment. Materials Characterization, 2021,171,110743.

· Yiqi Zhang, Fangjie Cheng, andShaojie Wu*. The microstructure and mechanical properties of duplex stainless steel components fabricated via flux-cored wire arc-additive manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021,69, 204-214.

· Wei Guan, Dongxiao Li, Lei Cui, Dongpo Wang,Shaojie Wu*, Kang S, Jiuli Wang, Lei Mao, Xuesong Zheng. Detection of tunnel defects in friction stir welded aluminum alloy joints based on the in-situ force signal. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021,71,1-11.

· Yuhang Li, Shaojie Wu*, Hongli Li,Yilun Dong, and Fangjie Cheng. Submerged arc additive manufacturing (SAAM) of low-carbon steel: Effect of in-situ intrinsic heat treatment (IHT) on microstructure and mechanical properties. Additive Manufacturing,2021,46, 102-124.

· 刘智尧,武少杰,王硕阳,等.一种基于VR设备辅助的TIG送丝焊接系统[P].天津市:CN202210648867.2,2023-10-27.