所在系所:材料科学及加工自动化系/ 焊接与先进制造技术研究所
《Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials》材料加工工程硕士研究生双语课程;
[1] Yang Xinqi, Huo Lixing, Effects of weld metal mismatching in yield strength on the constraint state and fracture behavior at 3D crack tip, IIW Doc-X-1296-91, Beijing, (1994).
[2] Huo Lixing, Yang Xinqi, Study on the J-integral Failure Assessment Curve of Heterogeneous Welded Joints. Key Engineering Materials Vols. 145-149, Trans. Tech. Publication, Switzerland, (1997).
[3]杨新岐,霍立兴,张玉凤等,非均质焊接接头J积分虚拟裂纹扩展计算方法研究,机械工程学报,Vol.31, No.5, p109-115 (1995).
[4]杨新岐,霍立兴,张玉凤等,三维条件下能量释放率虚拟裂纹扩展算法及工程应用,天津大学学报,Vol.30, No.1, p37-42 (1997).
[5]杨新岐等,压力容器接管区应力集中弹塑性有限元分析,压力容器,Vol.14, No.3, p213-217 (1997).
[6] Liu Yueli, Huo Lixing, Zhang Yufeng, Yang Xinqi,Effect of mismatching on J-integral for pipe-welded joints with circumferential through-wall crack,International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol.76, No.12(1999), p857-862.
[7] Yang Xinqi, Huo Lixing, Zhang Yufeng, Study on the Predictive Method of Buckling Deformations of Thin-plate Welded Structures, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), Vol.13, No.1(2000), p178-186.
[8] Yang Xinqi etc., Study on the Predictive Method of Buckling Deformations of Thin-plate Welded Structures, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), Vol.13, No.1, p178-186 (2000).
[9]杨新岐等,非均质焊接接头裂纹尖端三维拘束状态分析,机械强度,Vol.23, No.3, p336-340 (2001).
[10] Yang Xinqi etc., Predictive analysis of buckling distortion of thin-plate welded structures, China Welding, Vol.11, No.2, p138-142or inWelding research abroadVol.49, No.10(2002).
[11]Yang Xinqi etc., Influence of some materials on J-estimation methods for pipes with circumferential surface cracks, InternationalJournal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol.78/9, p599-605 (2001).
[12]Yang Xinqi etc., Approximate J-estimation methods for pipes with circumferential surface cracks in welds, InternationalJournalof Pressure Vessels and Piping Vol.79, p203-208 (2002).
[13]杨新岐等,压力管道含环向表面裂纹的J积分估算方法,工程力学,Vol.19, No.4, p75-80, (2002).
[14]杨新岐等,压力管道焊缝含环向表面裂纹J积分估算方法,焊接学报, Vol.23,No.1,p45-48,(2002).
[15]杨新岐等,海洋石油平台焊接接头大型CTOD试验,焊接学报,Vol.23, No.4, p48-52, (2002).
[16]杨新岐等,海洋平台焊接接头大型CTOD低温试验,中国海洋平台,Vol.18, No.1, p33-38, (2003).
[17]杨新岐等,焊接接头疲劳评定的局部法研究进展,机械强度,Vol.25, No.5,p675-681(2003).
[18]杨新岐等,局部法评定铝合金3A21角接接头疲劳性能,机械强度, Vol.27, No.6,p830-834 (2005).
[19] 吴冰,杨新岐,焊接接头疲劳评定的局部法研究,焊接学报,Vol.24, No.6, (2003).
[20] 吴冰, 杨新岐,双相不锈钢焊接接头疲劳评定体积法,焊接学报,Vol.25, No.6, (2004).
[21] 吴冰,杨新岐,不锈钢焊接接头疲劳强度试验研究,机械强度,Vol.26, No.4, (2004).
[22] 张艳新,杨新岐.焊接接头疲劳评定的等效应力强度因子法,机械强度,Vol.26, No.1(2004).
[23]耿立艳, 杨新岐,铝合金焊接接头疲劳评定的应力平均法, ,Vol.28,No.2(2006).
[24]许海生, 杨新岐,铝合金焊接接头疲劳强度试验研究,机械强度, Vol.28,No.3,p442-447(2006).
[25]周才智,杨新岐,搅拌摩擦焊接头疲劳行为研究现状,稀有金属材料与工程, Vo1.35, No.7, July 2006,p1172-1176.
[26]杨新岐等,铝合金搅拌摩擦与MIG焊接接头疲劳性能对比试验,焊接学报,Vo1.27,No.4,2006, p1-4.
[27]杨新岐等,搅拌摩擦焊点焊技术及其在汽车工业应用前景,汽车技术, No.1, p1-5(2006).
[28]杨新岐等,一种替代传统电阻点焊的创新技术—搅拌摩擦点焊,电焊机, Vol.36, No.7, p27-30(2006).
[29]杨新岐等,铝合金搅拌摩擦焊接技术研究存在的问题及趋势,焊接, No.7, p24-33(2009).
[30]杨新岐等, Al-Cu合金搅拌摩擦焊接接头的疲劳性能,材料研究学报, Vol.21, Suppl., 2007, p308-313.
[31] Xinqi Yang,etc., Experimental investigation on fatigue properties of FSW in aircraft Al alloys, 6th International Symposium on FSW, Sanint-Sauveur, Montreal, Canada, October 10-13, 2006.
[32] Qin Hongshan, Yang Xinqi, Friction stir spot welding technology and its application in automobile industry, Automobile Technology (in Chinese), No.1(2006), p1-5.
[33] Qin Hongshan, Yang Xinqi, A new innovative joining technology to replace conventional resistance spot welding—friction stir spot welding,Electric Welding Machine(in Chinese), Vol.36, No.7 (2006), p27-30.
[34] Caizhi Zhou, Xinqi Yang etc., Fatigue properties of friction stir welds in Al 5083 alloy, Scripta Materialia, Vol.53,No.10, 2005, p1187-1191.
[35] Shusheng Di, Xinqi Yang etc., Comparative study on fatigue properties between AA2024-T4 friction stir welds and base materials, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol.435-436,No.5,2006, p389-395.
[36] Shusheng Di, Xinqi Yang etc., The influence of zigzag-curve defect on the fatigue properties of friction stir welds in 7075-T6 Al alloy, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.104, No.2-3, 2007, p244-248.
[37] Caizhi Zhou, Xinqi Yangetc., Effect of oxide array on the fatigue property of friction stir welds, Scripta Materialia, Vol.54,No.8, 2006, p1515-1520.
[38] Caizhi Zhou, Xinqi Yangetc., Effect of root flaws on the fatigue property of friction stir welds in 2024-T3 aluminum alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol.418,No.1-2, 25,2006, p155-160.
[39] Zhaohua Zhang, Xinqi Yang etc., Effect of welding parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir spot welded 5052 aluminum alloy, Materials & Design, Vol.32,No.8-9, 2011, p4461-4470.
[40]徐效东,杨新岐,铝合金2024-T4搅拌摩擦焊搭接接头组织与性能分析,航空材料学报, Vol.32, No. 3, 2012, p51-56.
[41]周光,杨新岐, 6061-T4铝合金搅拌摩擦焊T型接头缺陷及性能,航空材料学报, Vol.32, No. 4, 2012, p26-31.
[42]张国栋,杨新岐,焊后热处理对300M超高强度钢电子束焊接接头组织及性能的影响,航空材料学 报, Vol.32, No. 5, 2012, p26-31.
[43]杨新岐等,厚板铝合金FSW和MIG焊接接头疲劳性能,焊接学报, Vol.33, No. 5, 2012, p5-8.
[44] Guang Zhou, Xinqi Yang, Study on the microstructures and tensile behaviors of friction stir welded T-joints for AA6061-T4 alloys, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol.21(10), 2012, p2131-2139.
[45] Xinlong He, Xinqi Yang etc., Quenching Microstructures and Properties of 300M Ultra-high Strength Steel Electron Beam Welded Joints, Materials & Design, Vol.40, 2012, p386-391.
[46] Xiaodong Xu, Xinqi Yang etc., Microstructures and fatigue properties of friction stir lap welds in aluminum alloy AA6061-T6, Materials & Design, Vol.35, 2012, p175-183.
[47] Guodong Zhang, Xinqi Yang etc., Enhancement of mechanical properties and failure mechanism of electron beam welded 300M ultrahigh strength steel joints, Materials & Design, Vol.45, 2013, p56-66.
[48] Lei Cui, Xinqi Yang etc., Characteristics of defects and tensile behavior of friction stir welded T-joints, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol.543,No.1,2012, p58-68.
[49] Lei Cui, Xinqi Yang etc., Process parameter influence on defects and tensile properties of friction stir welded T-joints on AA6061-T4 sheets, Materials & Design, Vol.51, 2013, p161-174.
[50] Zhikang Shen, Xinqi Yang etc., Microstructure and failure mechanisms of refill friction stir spot welded 7075-T6 aluminum alloy joints, Materials & Design, Vol.44, 2013, p476-486.
[51] Zhikang Shen, Xinqi Yang etc., Mechanical properties and failure mechanisms of friction stir spot welds of AA 6061-T4 sheets, Materials & Design, 2013;49:181–91
[52] Zhikang Shen, Xinqi Yang etc., Microstructure and Mechanical properties of friction spot welded 6061-T4 aluminum alloy, Materials & Design, Vol.54, 2014, p766–778.
[53]申志康,杨新岐等,铝合金回填式搅拌摩擦点焊组织及力学性能分析,焊接学报, Vol.34. No.6(2013).
[54]杨新岐等,铝合金6061-T6搅拌摩擦焊搭接焊缝缺陷及疲劳性能,航空材料学报, Vol.33, No.6, 2013, p38-44.
[55]侯晓鹏,杨新岐等, 6061-T4铝合金T型接头搅拌摩擦焊工艺,中国有色金属学报, Vol.23, No.11, 2013, p3046-3055.
[56]张国栋,杨新岐等, 300M超高强度钢及其电子束焊接接头高周疲劳断裂机制研究,航空材料学报, Vol.34, No.1, p69-75.
[57] Xiaopeng Hou, Xinqi Yang etc., Influences of joint geometry on defects and mechanical properties of friction stir welded AA6061-T4 T-joints, Materials & Design, Vol.53, 2014, p106-117.
[58] Youbao Song, Xinqi Yang etc., Defect features and mechanical properties of friction stir lap welded dissimilar AA2024-AA7075 aluminum alloy sheets, Materials & Design, Vol.55, 2014, p9–18.
[59] Cui Lei, Yang Xinqi etc.,Experimental study of friction taper plug welding for low alloy structure steel: Welding process, defects, microstructures and mechanical properties, Materials and Design, 2014;62:271-81.
[60] Cui Lei, Yang Xinqi etc.,Friction taper plug welding for S355 steel in underwater wet conditions: Welding performance, microstructures and mechanical properties, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2014; 611:15-28.
[61] Li Dongxiao, Yang Xinqi etc.,Effect of welding parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of AA6061-T6 butt welded joints by stationary shoulder friction stir welding, Materials and Design, 2014; 64:251-60.
[62]殷亚运,杨新岐等,DH36高强度钢摩擦柱塞焊工艺与接头组织性能,焊接学报, 2014;35:109-12.
[63]宋友宝,杨新岐等,异种高强铝合金搅拌摩擦焊搭接接头的缺陷和拉伸性能,中国有色金属学报, 2014(24): p1167-08.
[64] Yinya Yun, Yang Xinqi etc., Material flow influence on the weld formation and mechanical performance in underwater friction taper plug welds for pipeline steel, Materials and Design, Vol.88,No.25, 2015,p990-998.
[65] Yinya Yun, Yang Xinqi etc., Investigation on welding parameters and bonding characteristics of underwater wet friction taper plug welding for pipeline brace, Vol.81, No.5-8,2015,p851-861.
[66] Li Dongxiao, Yang Xinqi etc., Investigation of stationary shoulder friction stir welding of aluminum alloy 7075-T651, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.222,No.1,2015,p391-398.
[67] Li Dongxiao, Yang Xinqi etc., Fatigue property of stationary shoulder friction stir welded additive and non-additive T joints, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol.20,No.8, 2015,p650-654.
[68]谢永辉, 杨新岐等, 6061-T4铝合金单双道搅拌摩擦焊T型接头组织及性能,中国有色金属学报, 2015, Vol.25, No.1, p72-79.
[69]胥妍, 杨新岐等,基于MORFEO的采用不同搅拌针形状时沿板厚方向流动性的数值分析,焊接学报, 2015, Vol.36,No.3,p105-108.
[70] Sun Zhuanping, Yang Xinqi, The local strength and toughness for stationary shoulder friction stir weld on AA6061-T6 alloy, Materials Characterization, Volume: 111,Pages: 114-121,Jan. 2016.
[71] Li Shengli, Yang Xinqi, Influence of weld geometry and process parameters on the quality of underwater wet friction taper plug welding, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume: 86, Issue: 5-8,Pages: 2339-2351,Sep.2016.
[72] Yin Yayun, Yang Xinqi, Microstructure and mechanical properties of underwater friction taper plug weld on X65 steel with carbon and stainless steel plugs, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Volume: 21, Issue: 4, Pages: 259-266;2016.
[73]申浩,杨新岐, 6061-T6铝合金的静止轴肩搅拌摩擦焊工艺及组织性能, 焊接学报, 2016,Vol.37, No.5, p119-123.
[74]崔雷, 杨新岐, DH36钢水下摩擦塞焊工艺及力学性能, 焊接学报, 2016,Vol.37, No.6, p75-79.
[75]郑敏, 申志康, 杨新岐, 异种铝合金回填式搅拌摩擦点焊缺陷及力学性能, 焊接学报, 2016,Vol.37, No.8, p87-90.
[76]杨新岐,崔雷,侯晓鹏,殷亚运,异种钢水下摩擦柱/锥塞焊接头组织及性能,机械工程学报, 2016,Vol.52, No.24, p44-51.
[77] Bo Du, Zhuanping Sun, Xinqi Yang, Characteristics of friction plug welding to 10 mm thick AA2219-T87 sheet: Weld formation, microstructure and mechanical property, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016,Vol.654, p21-29.
[78]杜波, 孙转平, 杨新岐等, 异种铝合金摩擦塞补焊接头微观组织及性能,机械工程学报, 2017, Vol.53, No.4, p43-48.
[79]何方舟,杨新岐等,铝合金静止轴肩搅拌摩擦焊组织非均质性对接头力学性能的影响,焊接学报, 2017,Vol.38, No.8, p115-118.
[80]张旭,杨新岐等, 轴向压力对X65合金钢摩擦堆焊层组织和磨损性能的影响,中国表面工程, 2016,Vol.29, No.6, p113-122.
[81]秦红珊, 杨新岐, 铝合金搅拌摩擦焊缝和母材疲劳裂纹扩展行为, 航空材料学报, 2017, Vol.37, No.5, p41-47.
[82] Xiong, Junzhen, Yang, Xinqi, Microstructural characteristics and mechanical heterogeneity of underwater wet friction, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017,Vol.695, p279-290.
[83] Wang Feixiang, Yang Xinqi, Thermal process influence on microstructure and mechanical behavior for friction taper plug welding in structural steel S355, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2017,Vol.88, No.9-12, p3459-3466.
[84] Du, Bo, Cui, Lei, Yang, Xinqi, Weakening mechanism and tensile fracture behavior of AA 2219-T87 friction plug welds, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017,Vol.693, p129-135.
[85] Xiong, Junzhen, Yang, Xinqi,Evaluation of inhomogeneity in tensile strength and fracture toughness of underwater wet friction taper plug welded joints for low-alloy pipeline steels,April 2018,Journal of Manufacturing Processes 32.
[86]杜波,杨新岐,塞棒材料对铝合金摩擦塞补焊接头组织及拉伸断裂行为的影响,材料工程, 2018, Vol.46, No.12, p137-143.
[87]杜波,杨新岐,2219-T87铝合金TIG焊缝摩擦塞补焊接头组织及性能,天津大学学报, 2018, Vol.51, No.12, p1303-1308.
[88]林伟,杨新岐,轴向压力对异种钢水下摩擦锥塞焊接头组织及力学性能的影响,焊接学报,2019, Vol.40, No.1, p26-31.
[89]杜波,杨新岐,2219-T87铝合金拉锻式摩擦塞补焊接头组织及性能. 焊接学报,2019, Vol.40, No.2, p128-132.
[90]Zijun Zhao, Xinqi Yang,Interfacial bonding features of friction stir additive manufactured build for 2195-T8 aluminum-lithium alloy,Journal of Manufacturing Processes 38 (2019) 396–410.
[91]Shengli Li, Xinqi Yang, Wenshen Tang,Effect of friction stir processing on microstructure and work hardening behavior of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel,Journal of Manufacturing ProcessesVol. 37, January 2019, Pages 220–231.
[92]Shengli Li, Xinqi Yang, Microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of friction-stir-welded modified 9Cr–1Mo steel, Journal of Material Science (2019) 54:6632–6650.
[93]唐文珅,杨新岐,焊接参数对铁素体不锈钢搅拌摩擦焊接头组织及性能的影响,材料工程, 2019, Vol.47, No.15, p115-121.
[94] Wenshen Tang, Xinqi Yang etc.,Microstructure and properties of CLAM/316L steel friction stir welded joints,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,Vol.271,September 2019, Pages 189-201.
[95]Xiong, Junzhen, Yang, Xinqi etc.,Effects of welding parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of underwater wet friction taper plug welded pipeline steel,Welding in the World(2019).63(1):11–22.
[96] Bo Du, Xinqi Yang etc.,Effects of supporting plate hole and welding force on weld formation and mechanical property of friction plug joints for AA2219-T87 friction stir welds, Welding in the World(2019) 63(4):989–1000.
[8]林伟, 杨新岐, 一种电流辅助摩擦柱/锥塞焊接方法及其工装,发明专利,授权号:ZL201610761282.6.
[14]杨新岐,秦红珊,并联机器人用搅拌摩擦焊主轴头机构, 发明专利,申请号:210910264457.6.
Materials & Design,International Materials Reviews, Journal of Materials Science & Technology,Journal of Alloys and Compound,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,Journal ofManufacturingProcesses,Journal of Advanced Materials and Processing,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Acta Metallurgica Sinica、Journal of Materials Science & Technology审稿人