2011.10 – 2012.10 The University of Sydney, Australian Centre for Microscopy &Microanalysis联合培养博士
2007.9 – 2012.12山东大学 工学博士
2003.9 – 2007.7山东大学 工学学士
2013.9-至今 天津大学 材料科学与工程学院讲师、副教授、博士生导师
1. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年项目,金属成形与加工过程组织调控,2022-01至2024-12,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,Ni3Al基高温合金瞬时液相扩散连接接头组织演变及可靠性评价,2021-01至2024-12,主持
5. 天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划项目,铝合金中Mg2Si相受控生长与选择调控机制研究,2015-04至2018-03,主持
1. Jianlu Pei, Yefan Li, Chong Li*, Zumin Wang, Yongchang Liu, Huijun Li,Microstructure-dependent oxidation behavior of Ni-Al single-crystal alloys, Journal of Materials Science & Technology,52 (2020) 162-171.
2. Yuting Wu, Yongchang Liu*, Chong Li*, Xingchuan Xia, Jing Wu, Huijun Li,Coarsening behavior of gamma ' precipitates in the gamma ' plus gamma area of a Ni3Al-based alloy , Journal of Alloys and Compounds,771 (2019) 526-533.
3. Hongjun Zhang, Chong Li*, Qianying Guo, Zongqing Ma, Huijun Li,Yongchang Liu*, Improving creep resistance of nickel-based superalloy Inconel 718 by tailoring gamma double prime variants , Scripta Materialia,164 (2019)66-70.
4. Yilin Sun, Chong Li*, Yongchang Liu, Liming Yu, Huijun Li, Intermetallic phase evolution and strengthening effect in Al-Mg2Si alloys with different Cu/Ni ratios, Materials Letters, 215 (2018) 254-258.
5. Hongjun Zhang, Chong Li*, Qianying Guo, Zongqing Ma, Yuan Huang, Huijun Li, Yongchang Liu*, Hot tensile behavior of cold-rolled Inconel 718 alloy at 650 °C: The role of δ phase, Materials Science and Engineering A, 722 (2018) 136-146.
6. Chong Li, Gang Sha*, Junhai Xia, Yongchang Liu, Simon P Ringer, Si-induced precipitation modification and related age-hardening response of an Al-4Mg-1Cu-0.5Si alloy, Material Chemistry and Physics, 193 (2017) 421-426.
7. Yuting Wu, Yongchang Liu*, Chong Li*, Xingchuan Xia, Yuan Huang, Huijun Li, Haipeng Wang, Deformation behavior and processing maps of Ni3Al-based superalloy during isothermal hot compression, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 712 (2017) 687-695.
8. Zedi Li, Chong Li*, Yongchang Liu, Liming Yu, Qianying Guo, Huijun Li, Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical property of Al-10%Mg2Si alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 663 (2016) 16-19.
9. Chong Li, Gang Sha*, Bulent Gun, Junhai Xia, Xiangfa Liu, Yuying Wu, Nick Birbilis, Simon P. Ringer. Enhanced age-hardening response of Al-4Mg-1Cu (wt. %) microalloyed with Ag and Si, Scripta Materialia 68 (2013) 857-860.
10. Chong Li, Yuying Wu, Hui Li, Xiangfa Liu*. Morphological evolution and growth mechanism of primary Mg2Si phase in Al-Mg2Si alloys, Acta Materialia 59 (2011) 1058-1067.