· 2004.9-2009.7 中国科学院化学研究所高分子化学与物理专业 博士
· 2000.9-2004.7 河北大学 材料化学专业 学士
· 2009.9-2011.10 University of South Carolina 博士后
· 2011.11-2012.10 中国科学与化学研究所 高级访问学者
· 2012.11-2021.07 天津大学材料科学与工程学院 副教授
· 2021.08 至今 天津大学材料科学与工程学院 教授
· 研究领域:
(1) 活性/可控聚合
(2) 嵌段聚合物自组装
(3) 磁性高分子材料
· 讲授课程:
· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目名称:一种高频低损耗磁性有机金属聚合物的设计、合成及其性能研究,项目编号:52073201,执行年限:2021.01-2024.12;主持。
· 国家级创新计划项目,项目名称:XXX,执行年限:2018.12-2020.12;主持。
· 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目名称:基于巨型嵌段聚合物刷的一维光子晶体的合成与性能研究,项目编号:21574098,执行年限:2016.01-2019.12;主持。
· 国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目名称:一种分子级别磁性高分子的可控合成及其自组装,项目编号:21304067,执行年限:2014.1-2016.12;主持。
· 天津市自然科学基金青年项目,项目名称:磁性可调节的磁性聚合物的可控合成,项目编号:14JCQNJC03400,执行年限:2014.4-2017.4;主持。
1. Xiaoliang Yu, Zhengyi Xia, Tengda Zhao, Xiaoyan Yuan,Lixia Ren*.Pyrene-enhancedferromagneticinteraction in a FeCl4−-based poly(ionic liquid)sorganicmagnet.Macromolecules2021,54,4227.
2. TiantianGuo,Xiaoliang Yu,Yunhui Zhao, Xiaoyan Yuan, Junyu Li*,Lixia Ren*.Structurememoryphotoniccrystalsprepared byhierarchicalself-assembly ofsemicrystallinebottlebrushblockcopolymers.Macromolecules2020,53,3602.
3. Xiaoliang Yu, Xiaoyan Yuan*, Yunhui Zhao,Lixia Ren*. From paramagnetic to superparamagnetic ionic liquid/poly(ionic liquid): the effect ofp-p stacking interaction.ACS Macro Letters2019,8, 1504-1510.
4. Zhengyi Xia, Xiaoliang Yu, Xiaoyan Yuan,Lixia Ren*.Inorganic/organic hybrid magnetic polymers based on POSS and pyridinium FeCl4: the effect of self-assembly.Polymer Chemistry2019,10, 4604 – 4610.
5. Tongzhou Zhang, Jixiang Yang, Xiaoliang Yu, Yuesheng Li, Xiaoyan Yuan, Yunhui Zhao, Lyv Dong, Yongfeng Men, Ke Zhang,Lixia Ren*. Handwritable one-dimensional photonic crystals prepared from dendronized brush block copolymers.Polymer Chemistry2019,10, 1519-1525.
6. Xiaoliang Yu, Xiaoyan Yuan*, Zhengyi Xia,Lixia Ren*. Self-assembly of magnetic poly(ionic liquid) s and ionic liquids in aqueous solution.Polymer Chemistry2018,9, 5116-5122.
7. Christopher G. Hardy, Jiuyang Zhang, Yi Yan,Lixia, Ren*, Chuanbing Tang*. Metallopolymers with transition metal in the side chain by living and controlled polymerization techniques.Progress in Polymer Science2014,39, 1742-1796.
8.Lixia Ren, Jiuyang Zhang, Xiaolong Bai, Zhang J. Bai X. Christopher G. Hardy, Ken D. Shimizu, Chuanbing Tang*. Preparation of cationic cobaltocenium polymers and block copolymers by “living” ring-opening metathesis polymerization.Chemical Science2012,3, 580-583.
9.Lixia Ren, Jiuyang Zhang, Christopher G. Hardy, Deon Doxie, Barbara Fleming, Chuanbing Tang*. Preparation of cobaltocenium-labeled polymers by atom transfer radical polymerization.Macromolecules2012,45, 2267-2275.
10.Lixia Ren, Christopher G. Hardy, Chuanbing Tang*. Synthesis and solution self-assembly of side chain cobaltocenium containing block copolymers.Journal of the American Chemical Society2010,132, 8874-8875.