

CSC Programs

    This program is designed to develop and strengthen the relation and cooperation between Tianjin University (TJU) and world-class overseas universities, promote academic exchange and collaboration between faculty members and students, and thus establish a stronger and clearer framework for the long-term substantial collaboration in teaching and research on the basis of mutual interests and benefits.


To that end, two initiatives to train our PhD students in overseas universities have been proposed. Specifically, TJU has been urged by the Chinese education authority to formulate cooperation framework document with overseas universities as the platform to implement each of the following initiatives.

Full-time PhD enrollment at overseas universities

This initiative provides for students from TJU to pursue their doctoral studies enrolled as full-time PhD students at overseas universities. It will begin with research candidates embarking on their PhD degree programs or upon completion of their master degree programs in TJU to proceed for their Doctorate studies in overseas universities. A Doctorate Degree shall be conferred to candidates who have successfully completed their courses and research of study at the overseas university. The Doctorate Degree can either be a joint degree that carries the same credibility of the degrees conferred by both institutions previously, or a dual degree conferred by each institution respectively, or a degree conferred by the overseas university.

PhD candidates applying under this program are required to complete their entire Master programs and undergo a selection stipulated by TJU. Candidates enrolled in this initiative would be admitted in accordance with the admission criteria of faculties of overseas universities in terms of language proficiency, academic background and other requirements related to the PhD programs.

Selected candidates will be offered scholarships by both universities upon enrollment as PhD students at the overseas universities. The scholarship from TJU will be sponsored by Chinese Scholarship Council that covers the living expense and a round-trip international airfare during the course of study. Concurrently, each successful candidate will be offered a scholarship from the overseas university that covers international tuition fee and other fees related to the PhD programs.

Joint Doctorate Supervision

This initiative provides for PhD students from TJU to conduct research/project at overseas universities for about six to twenty-four months. Candidates who have successfully completed their overseas research and their course of study shall be conferred a Doctorate degree from TJU.

PhD candidates applying under this initiative are required to enroll as full-time PhD students at TJU and undergo a selection stipulated by TJU. Candidates enrolled in this initiative would be admitted in accordance with the admission criteria of faculties of TJU and overseas universities, and other requirements related to the PhD programs.

Selected candidates will be offered scholarships from both universities upon their receiving the invitations from the academics of overseas universities and lodging the research plan co-supervised by academics from both TJU and overseas universities. The scholarship from TJU will be sponsored by Chinese Scholarship Council that covers the living expense and a round-trip international airfare during their overseas research period. Concurrently, each successful candidate will be offered a scholarship from the overseas university that covers fees related to the specific program.